Chicken wing prices had surged from an average of $1.50 per pound to nearly $4.00. The flock market was in crisis. And it was all because a group of “underperforming” roosters were forgoing sexy time with their lady chickens. Thankfully, plant-based meat leader Alpha Foods took it upon themselves to combat this chickenflation by slashing prices of its own chik’n nuggets. To restore balance in the market and make sure chicken was accessible to all people, as wing prices continued to increase, Alpha plant-based chik’n prices decreased accordingly.
Using real-time data, we tracked the rising price of chicken and the corresponding falling price of our plant-based chicken on the NASDAQ board and even ran a full-page spread in the economy section of the Wall Street Journal, despite their best efforts.
Case Study
Wall Street Journal Print Ad
Street Team
We intercepted the much-expected release of Popeye’s new chicken nuggets, with a street team giving out coupons for the falling price of Alpha plant-based chicken.
Features: FastCompany, Yahoo, VegNews, Business Insider, Fox, AdAge, AdWeek, Mic, etc.
Team: Dana Buckhorn & Tanner Thompson